Rohos Logon Key 3.3
We are happy to announce Rohos Logon Key v.3.3 with many improvements and one nice feature.
In Version 3.3:
- New look and options
- 2-factor Authentication Setup and Emergency Logon improvements;
- Improved support for Remote Desktop,
- IP filter, error-free determination of your IP address. You can write several IP-addresses, (no spaces, comma is delimiter)
- Improved support for OTP.
- Support for https SMS gateway.
- Now you can require 2-factor authentication for RDP connection both for all users and only for rohos group.
- Added option for secure setup of two-factor authentication to avoid access to a PC being blocked in the event of incorrect settings.
- Support for new option in the Rohos Logon Key for Android OS:
- fast unblocking Rohos Logon Key: unlock by screen-on and double knock;
- Use of Bluetooth to transmit an authentication packet. All you have to do is pair your phone with your PC.
- Emergency access – without deleting the security settings.
- Fixed bug in supporting long serial numbers for USB devices.
- Windows XP support ends now;
- Betta: Block access to USB flash drives (and external HDDs) : readonly or complete;
New Look and Options dialog
2-factor authentication policy ‘Allows to login only by the Key’ is modified now a bit. The new options For Remote Desktop users and For Remote Desktop users from ‘Rohos’ group is now more flexible with IP filter and Active Directory group membership conditions that allows to introduce 2-factor authentication more easily and seamless.
September 6th, 2016 in
Nachrichten, Rohos Face Logon